
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Candle Lighting for Peter Gurney 2023

Every year our guinea pig community have a candle lighting ceremony, which we hold on March 9th. at 8 pm in our relative time zones. This day was chosen because it was the birthday of Peter Gurney, a tireless guinea pig advocate and the author of many of the piggy books that we use.

This year we chose our big black boar, Fionn, to light our candles and he was rewarded with this nice fresh grass.

Our Slave once met Peter when he signed his Piggy Potions book for her and our Rodentologists ( now sadly retired ) knew him well from working at the Cambridge Cavy Trust.


  1. How wonderful to have actually met Peter Gurney and had him sign your book! Our Slave has that book too and sometimes cooks up recipes from it to soothe a UTI or settle a tummy upset --- just another way that Peter is still helping guinea pigs today!

  2. P.S. You look magnificent in that photo, Fionn!

  3. Fionn Piggyfriend10 March, 2023 20:46

    Thank you Auntie Pat

  4. Fionn, what a handsome boar you are! Your coat shines so much that it is almost like another candle for Mr. Gurney! How exciting it must have been for your mum to meet him in person and have him sign her book. A lovely memory. From your friends Scottie, Coke, Fitz, and Cindy
