
Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Peter Gurney Memorial Is Coming Up Soon --- March 9th!

This is Scottie, and I am with a friend who is helping me get ready for the Peter Gurney Candle Light Memorial. (Don't you think there is a resemblance?)
The Peter Gurney Memorial is an annual event to celebrate the late Mr. Gurney, who wrote books about guinea pigs and contributed greatly to the knowledge about them. He is a hero to us guinea pigs, as well as to our humans.
We hope you'll join us in our celebration. All you have to do is light a candle at 8 p.m. in your time zone on March 9th, Mr. Gurney's birthday, and leave it lit for an hour if possible. At 9 p.m. your time, candles in the next time zone will be lit, and in this way our lights will travel around the world.
This event has been observed since 2006 and serves not only as a remembrance of Mr. Gurney but also as a remembrance of our other friends who have passed on, be they furred, finned, or feathered.
Afterwards, we hope you'll send the location where you lit a candle to ( Locations, but no names, are compiled and later posted on the Guinea Pigs' Daily Digest homepage at Please visit there to see photos and locations of past participants.
If you take a photo of the event, such as your guinea pig beside a candle, please also send it to ( Note: There is an underscore between PG and Memorial; the entire address is not underscored.
I have two new brothers, Coke and Fitzgerald, who were a bit too fidgety to be in the photo with me, but we are all excited about the big day and hope you can join us!

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