
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Candle Lighting at Piggyfriends

Hello Readers.

Peaches drew the short hay and was chosen to light our candle this year.

Peaches: Don't think that you are going to bribe me with that lettuce Slave. I need you to light the candle for me. That device looks dangerous to me.

Peaches: Thank you Slave. That was much safer and I did not get my whiskers singed.

All the Piggyfriends are remembering many Piggyfriends past and a whole host of pets that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge down the years but especially Daddy Slave, who is looking after them all until we can meet up again.


  1. Oh Penny what a heart felt comment embellished with a funny story. The Piggyville girls were upset that their regular candle had ben burned down to a stub. They were not too impressed with the new candle. Oh I should of tried the lettuce trick.

  2. Peaches, you are a lovely girl, and you did a wonderful job representing the Piggyfriends and also letting your mum light the candle. What a beautiful remembrance you had at your house, especially remembering your dad. Scottie, Coke, Fitzgerald, and Cindy
