
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Grass, or what used to be grass...

We just wanted to share what our grass looks like... It's been rather warm outside, inside has been okay so far, and it hasn't rained for quite a time... Dull brownish 'grass' is all we see what looking out the window.

Guinygirlz Raani and Cookie and boar Binky


  1. This looks familiar! Slave went to the place shown in our photo the other day to cut some more of the very dry grass and....shock, horror.... it had been cut short. Now we have no grass at all. Our own lawn looks like that too. Rain please!

  2. Ann of Piggyville13 August, 2018 16:30

    Oh My I hope the grass grows back when the rains return. Your garden looks like a desert.
