
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A message from our newest Pigpenpal, Noodle.

Hello Piggyfriends,

My new Slave has taken some more photos and I thought that you would like to see them. First of all, here is another one of me. When I was taken to the shelter, my nails were about an inch long and my new Slave immediately trimmed them so I am able to run around properly and have fun.

Can you see my nice neat nails?

Here I am at home, being weighed.
I am going to get fat with all this good food.
Our Slave grows veggies in the garden and we all got to share the first of the carrot crop.

We all ate the leaves first and then we finished off the carrots.

It was all very yummy and we cannot wait for more carrots to be ready to pick.

Love and oinks from your PigPenPal, Noodle.

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