
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Piggy A-Z: C for Charity

Some time ago we sold guinea pig card games, featuring our agents on this blog. By selling these games we made a little profit that we would like to donate to a guinea pig shelter somewhere in the world, like we did before with the money we made from selling our guinea pig calendars.

We do still have 5 games left in stock, so if you are interested order you game by filling out the form here. The is based on the dutch 'Kwartet'(quartets) game, similar to the Go Fish! game. The goal is to collect as many sets of 4 card as you can. A set of 4 cards, a kwartet/quartet, always has a theme. In our guinea pig game it can be the type of breed (smoothhaired), the color (white piggies) or something else (like piggies with Flower names). See our previous posts (with some pigtures and a video explaining the rules) about the game here.

So you can still order a game, but we want to start the nominations for possible guinea pig shelters (anywhere in the world)! So please send in your nomination! If you can, send in a little accompanying text about the shelter and why you think they deserve a nomination, that would help in getting votes.

Next step would be to all vote on your favorite shelter. The shelter with the most votes will recieve our donation.

So please, add your nominations to the comments below, or make a post with your nomination. Read how to add a post to the blog yourself, on the 'Contribute' tab below Agent F's pigture.


  1. I would like to nominate 2 causes (as no nominations came in yet, I guess that is okay?).

    Our Peaches came from 'Het Knaaghof' in Rijswijk, the netherlands. They are part of our national animal protection group, I guess it is like the RSPCA abroad. They are not only for guinea pigs, and at the moment they mostly have rabbits. I worked at an other shelter and compared to that shelter this one is so clean and seems very organised. You can let your piggy or rabbit date the residents to find a new friend. The rabbit 'cage' have a cool setup. There is a big running space in the middle surrounded by all the cages. Every so much time, some rabbit will have the hatch to the play area opened and are allowed to run around and play in that area.

    The other one I want to nominate is Sharna's cavy rescue (you can find her on facebook, twitter and instagram). I have been following her on instagram and twitter, and she seems a lady that really cares for all her rescue piggies. Sometimes though she gets some nasty comments for other guinea pig 'lovers', which seems a shame and she does not deserve that. I think she is located near brisbane, Australia. I will look it up for you!


    1. I am going to nominate TEAS
