
Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday video: Guinea pig bridge!


  1. This video always makes me smile. The first time that I saw it I worried that the piggies would fall off the bridge but there seems to be a keeper on hand to watch them and they are all too keen to follow the friend in front.

    I have been singing this song to my piggies for years but with "run" or "food" or just "pig" as the last word instead of bridge. I should have copywrited it!

  2. Great video. Thanks for sharing. i always look forward to the Friday video.

  3. Pat and the Prairie Pigs30 April, 2016 00:30

    This is the sort of thing everyone should have saved somewhere to watch when you're having a bad day. It's impossible not to smile while watching those piggies trundling purposefully across the bridge!
