
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vote for the Dutch Guinea pig foundation (stichting cavia)

Hi all,

We have a request for you, the dutch ebay, called 'marktplaats' is giving away a camper. Many groups and foundations have signed up to become the new owner of this camper.
We just heard from our friends of the Guinea pig gang Almere (@caviabendealmer on twitter) that the Dutch Guinea Pig foundation (stichting cavia) is competing.
They have guinea pig shelters in the netherlands, and a big guinea pig village where they take care of loads of unwanted guinea pigs. They pick up about 3000 guinea pigs a year, and their van unfortunately is old and broken at the moment...
Please take a minute to vote for them!!!
Vote here and click on the 'Steun mij' button, which means 'support me'
Thanks from all the Dutch guinea pigs
and us,
The Guinygirlz (who luckily have a forever home):
Woopy, Lily, Daisy and Roos

P.S. you can vote until the 10th of May
p.s.2 Also don't forget to vote for the caption contest!


  1. Piggyfriends06 May, 2012 19:44

    Can we vote every day or just the one time?

  2. You can only vote once per IP adress... So if you have computers on different networks (or with different IP adresses, but you usually have one per network), you can vote more than once...
    But they can use all the votes they can get!!
