
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final call: vote for the Dutch Guinea Pig Foundation

Hi All,

The guinygirls wrote about the Dutch Guinea Pig Foundation and asked you to vote so that they would have a shot at winning a Camper (last day to vote, so if you haven't, please do! We voted on every computer we have). We asked the guinea pig herd from Almere to write something about the Dutch Guinea Pig foundation, since many among their ranks come from the stichting cavia shelters, and they've been to the cavy-village in Bakkeveen.

Caviabende Almere

We, that is CaviaBende Almere, would like to tell you something about the shelter we came from. Pom used to live in a big herd (about 60 piggies!) because somebody let his/her piggies breed without limits. Sofie, Melissa and Darwin were signed over to Stichting Cavia because their former owner didn’t want them any more :-( Our new owner found Pom in the shelter in Bakkeveen, the girls in the shelter in Haarlem… and we are very happy together! Since we hope more piggies wil find a good home this way… well, we like to tell you something more about Stichting Cavia!

Stichting Cavia (Guineapig Foundation) was founded in september 1997.
The goals of the foundation are:
  • To offer a shelter for guinea pigs and attempt to find a suitable new owner for them
  • To supply information about guinea pigs in order to increase their well being and pleasure in life.
    Stichting Cavia headquarters is located in Bakkeveen (Friesland, Netherlands), but has many smaller shelters throughout the Netherlands and even in Belgium.
If someone is no longer able to look after their guinea pig, looking for a temporary care solution (ecc holiday), or looking for a new piggy at your home they are welcome here! Stichting Cavia also provides people with information about piggie healthcare and daily care. Stichting Cavia offers a shelter for guinea pigs from people that can no longer take care of their them  (regardless of the reason). Stichting Cavia doesn't charge the previous owners, they only ask them to fill in a declaration stating that Stichting Cavia is the new owner of the guinea pig. 

If the guinea pig is healthy and not too old, the foundation will try to find a new owner.
If they don't succeed in finding one, the guinea pig will spend the rest of its life in the cavy-village (Caviadorp) in Bakkeveen.

Most of the time Stichting Cavia has a large number of piggies available, so if you are looking for a piggie: check Stichting Cavia first before you go to the petshop…!

Caviabende Almere enjoying their forever home
With getting a new piggie from Stichting Cavia you also become a contributor of the foundation for 1 year and you receive the newsmagazine “de CaviaKrant” (Guinea pig newspaper) twice a year.
Amongst the many guinea pigs that are brought to Stichting Cavia there are also old animals and animals with a weak health. In principle, these guinea pigs can still have a good life despite their shortcomings. However, due to the time and costs involved in their caretaking, they are not suitable for the average pet owner. These guinea pigs stay in the cavy-village for the rest of their lives.

You can support these guinea pigs by financially adopting them for the amount of 16 euro a year (you can deposit this amount on account 7741751 or bank account of Stichting Cavia in Bakkeveen). You can choose the guinea pig on this page (in Dutch). 

Of the guinea pig(s) that you decide to adopt financially, you will receive an adoption certificate. If you extend the adoption with another year, you will receive a card with a short description of how the guinea pig is doing. Additionally, you will receive our newsmagazine "De Caviakrant" (Guinea Pig Newspaper, in Dutch, only delivered in the Netherlands) twice a year. Thanks to your help, the guinea pig can enjoy the rest of his or her life in the cavy-village.
If you are interested to support us by financially adopting one of the guinea pigs in Bakkeveen, you can send an e-mail to:

Caviabende Almere


  1. Penny and the Piggyfriends10 May, 2012 11:08

    What a wonderful organisation! We do hope that they win the van.

  2. So do we...
    This saturday it is "open dag" (special opening for the public) in Bakkeveen. Everybody is welcome!!

  3. We voted everyday lets hope its enough to win it for them.

  4. I'm afraid they didn't make it into the top ten from which 'Marktplaats' will choose a winner...
    I can no longer see how many votes they got, but last time I checked they had about 400 votes,
    the top 10 competitors had 10000(0) votes...
    So we would never have caught up with them, but I'm glad we tried!
    Thanks to everyone who voted for Stichting Cavia!!!
    And as CaviaBende Almere said, tomorrow is their 'Open for public day', so if you are in the netherlands or close to the dutch border (in Germany), pay them a visit!
