
Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Agents

Real Name: Woody

Secret Agent Name: Agent Otter

Why did you chose your Secret Agent Name: Mummy says I look like an otter, what is an otter?

Where do you live? In my pod.

Who do you live with? With my mummy, my Lady, my beloved Boomer, Starbuck and my new friend. I was adopted by my new family after not having a very nice start in life.

Favourite Food? Red pepper.

Favourite Hobby? Being cuddled by my Mummy, purring at other pigs.

Favourite Toy? Cardboard rolls which I destroy in a manly way.

Real Name? You all have to guess. My full name has three words, I am named after the lead male character in a recently ended long-running television series. The first word in my name is a title awarded by the Queen and my second name is a diminutive of Henry. 

Secret Agent Name? Thames

Why did you chose your Secret Agent Name? The river often features in the television programme.

Where do you live? Too close to that idiot Otter

Who do you live with? See previous answer.

Favourite Food? I do something of a fondness for hay.

Favourite Hobby? Attempting to ignore Otter, looking inscrutable.

Favourite Toy? My pigloo, I like to reject the toys Lady buys us in favour of cardboard rolls, this helps to remind her who is boss. ME.


  1. Ghost + Iron Hamster05 November, 2011 10:25

    Welcome Agent Otter you do look very manly.

    Mystery Agent Sir Harry .... ???

    That is our guess

  2. Welcome to the Undercover Piggies.

    Slave adores otters so really approves of your Agent name, Woody. Also you look just like our Copper and Agent Big Red so that is a big plus too!

    We are guessing that Agent Thames's real name is Sir Harry Pearce. What a grand name.

  3. Agent Thames is called Sir Harry Pearce, he was adopted by us after his first owner had to give him up because of asthma and allergies-unlike Mr Woody he was in beautiful condition.

    Sir Harry is seting up a piggy intelligence HQ in his pod to further the cause of piggy world domination.

    Mr Woody had a not great start in life and came to us via a friend of a friend. He is now a happy indoor pig who gets pretty much everything his heart desires (except alone time with his beloved Boomer).

    Both pigs can be found on twitter:

  4. Hi there,

    You are some handsome boars!!
    I can't imagine why Starbuck and Boomer do not like you two...

    Wheekz the Guinygirlz,
    and Chico the boar (just to be clear)

  5. Awww such fine pigs indeed. We think you both are very handsome piggers. welcome secret agent piggers.

  6. Whee wanted to say hi to our friends Agents Otter and Thames!

    We are well acquainted on Twitter, where Agent Otter can frequently be found waxing poetic about the Most Evil Peeg Boomer (we are unsure of her secret agent name?)

    Very happy that both of you have found your forever home! Nothing like having a good piggy slave to rule over.

  7. The most evil Peeeeg Boomzilla has yet to decideon a secret agent name. Current favourite is Nemesis.

