
Friday, November 4, 2011

Mystery Agent Ted

Meet Agent Ted. He looks suspiciously like Agent Curly but is not! This
enables them to pull off some secret missions together. In addition to being
a secret agent, Agent Ted's hobbies include eating his favorite food,
parsley, keeping in shape by running stairs, and pining after the 4
beautiful sows next door.

Agent Ted's real name is the same as one of the boys from the Narnia stories with an extra T added in somewhere........get guessing


  1. I am not going to say his real name as it was me who suggested that he submit his pigture. He really does look like me, doesn't he?

  2. Awww such a lovely boy! We love your hair. We have never seen a piggie in real life with the hair you have. very very nice. Welcome Agent Ted!

  3. good guess lillove but its the other boy from Narnia and Ted is part of the name lol

  4. oh... hm... agent... oh I don't know it's really hard... which book/movie?

  5. We will take sympathy on you lillove his real name is Tedmund.

  6. Awwwwwww, darn why didn't I think of that before.... well he has a cool name! GO TEDMUND!
