
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hungry piggies!

Hi all,

We just wanted to let you know that we are very hungry piggies too! (starving really..)

We have a nice little routine worked out to get the most out of our slave J;

- in the morning we wheek her out of bed, especially Bo is very good at this (we suspect that she'll become an opera singer when she grows up). As soon as we hear the alarm clock we'll start wheeking. After we've had our fill, J's toilet breaks and trips to the kitchen are a good cue to start wheeking again.

- when J comes home from work, Coco will sit on the wooden shelf in the left hand corner of the cage for a good view and she'll hit J with her most adorable smile when she comes up the stairs. Then Bo starts squeaking up a storm and tadaaa... veggies!

Ow and don't forget to show off paws, noses, and or cute lips ;-)

How do you guys beg for food?


  1. [Pepper]: I'm very good at wheeking (is this the way to say it?) too and I'm a real begging queen says D. Jimmy is more polite but on the other paw, he let's me do all the begging work but he always gets something too.

  2. What a pigture, it must be quite difficult for your slaves to resist when you beg for food! Whee wheek and put our paws on the sides of our cage too, its a very effective method indeed.

  3. Awww we know how to weeeeeek as well for food. We also know how to bite our bars really loud to make our slaves move faster!!! its a great method.

  4. When our cage is open and Daddy is nearby we practically throw ourselves over the side to look at him we use our eyes to say bring us food and he normally succumbs (sp)

  5. Our Slave must be psychic. We only have to look at her and think "food" and veggies turn up as if by magic.

    We think that your efforts at being starving are very impressive. Anyone could see that you have not been fed for days.
