
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Guess the Heaviest Piggy Agents Pirate and Acorn

Left to Right Agents Pirate and Acorn

You may have spotted that Agent Pirate is a totally new Agent so here are the clues for her real name, this is a tough one we have been told she is named after a female pirate but when we googled the name for more details she appears to be a computer character whose full name is Two Hands Rebecca Pirates real name is the characters nickname.

Good luck


  1. We are going to guess Agent Acorn as she seems to be eating Agent Pirate rofl that is dedication!!

  2. Soo cute! We guess agent Acorn because of that cute belly

  3. The Surrey Squeakers18 September, 2011 13:55

    This is a more difficult one as we don't have a rear view picture to help! However, we are going to guess Agent Acorn too.

  4. We are guessing that Agent Pirate could be Revy.

    We think that Agent Acorn is the heavier piggy as all the Agouti piggies that have lived here are/were hefty piggies but a rear end pigture would help!

  5. Whee guess agent acorn is the biggest for the same reason as the piggyfriends... We feel agouti's are usually bigger..

  6. WOL (Wheeking Out Loud) @Ghost! It does sort of seem as if Agent Acorn is contemplating nibbling on Agent Pirate in the pigture lol. Bravo to Piggyfriends for guessing that Pirate's name is Revy.

    Good guesses, but Agent Acorn is actually the smaller of the two here - she typically weighs in at around 1170-1190g (maybe she is a small agouti? although sister Truffle is even smaller), while Agent Pirate is much heavier at about 1220-1240g. She is one chunky piggy!

    This was fun, whee are looking forward to anybody else's Guess the Heaviest Piggy entries =) lets see some furry piggy rears!

  7. Well done Agent Pirate you fooled us all
