
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Special Report

Today is Sinterklaas day in the Nederlands!!!!

Our Dutch secret agents have been too busy enjoying themselves to write us a report, so we will have to rely on this link to tell us all

Have a good time Dutch piggies and remember to report in what is happening when you have a moment.


  1. This all sounds like a lot of fun! We can't wait for a special report from our agents in the Netherlands.

  2. Well, though we did not really celebrate Sinterklaas (it's for kids... not guinea pigs) our daddy slave came home last week with these small round sort of biscuit like buttons they call 'Pepernoten' and he also brought home two chocolate characters. One is an S for Sint(erklaas), the other a P for (zwarte) Piet. Daddy slave did cheat a bit though, he bought these things after Sinterklaas left the country, which meant the goodies were on sale.
    Mommy said she bought herself a backpack for Sinterklaas. We're confused we thought Sinterklaas was supposed to buy stuff for people!

  3. Ooh, we could have mommy take pigtures of the goodies and send it to Agent F!

    Agent Thunderbear, Not-so-lil'Woop and Valentino

  4. We look forward to seeing the goodies
