
Friday, December 4, 2009

Guest Number 10

Agent Badger

Agent Badger is a boy guinea pig part of a mixed herd in the UK

His real name can be added to water to make a drink that is good for humans and guinea pigs, it is also a name of a common crop plant.

He was rescued with him family from a filthy cage in a garage (my supplies live in the garage not me)

His special agent skill is camouflage as he can sneak about in the dark.

Guessing hats on


  1. The Surrey Squeakers04 December, 2009 23:25

    We know who this is! We are feeling very pleased with ourselves (but we do have a lot of brainpower if you put us all together!).

  2. phew, this one is hard...
    I think we found the photo website of their owner.
    But we still don't get the hint about the camouflage...

    and the girls Agent Thunderbear and Not-so-lil'Woop

  3. Agent Badger here,

    I am thrilled that the famous Surrey Squeaker ladies have identified me.

    For my first report I would like to tell you that my Slave has been outside in the rain putting up strings of festive lights. It looks very pretty but all of us piggies hope that they will not distract drivers going past.
