
Sunday, March 10, 2024

The Prairie Pigs Light Our Candle

 Here is Attila, standing guard over our Peter Gurney Memorial Candle.  So many piggies and friends of piggies now at the Rainbow Bridge to think about!  We spent a quiet hour watching our candle and remembering.  Thanks to Cindy, Audrey, Oliver, Scottie and Coke for organizing this event each year.

1 comment:

  1. Scottie, Coke, Cindy21 March, 2024 20:12

    Attila, you are doing a great job guarding the candle, and we can see you thinking of the piggies and other friends at the Rainbow Bridge. Hey, amazing hair, too! We and Audrey and Oliver appreciate your thanks very much. We are most happy to organize the event each year!
