
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Emily Gets to Wear the Easter Bonnet!

 It's not as if any of the Prairie Pigs are usually competing to appear in a photo shoot, so this year when little Emily decided she would volunteer to be the official Easter Prairie Piggy, it was easy to talk Lovely Rita into donating the use of her famous Easter bonnet.  Doesn't Emily look cute in it?

We are still waiting for the snow to melt here so we can have fresh grass and maybe even see some flowers growing outside.  We hope wherever you are for Easter, that there is less snow and more sunshine!

Slave's family always gets together to colour Easter eggs.  This year they made them with piggy-approved herbal designs (cilantro --- yum!) and used onion skins to colour them.  We thought these ones turned out particularly pretty.

We would like to wish all of our readers, all piggies and piggy people everywhere, a very happy Easter.  Eat a chocolate egg, sniff a Spring flower or take a moment to bask in the sun, and if you have an Easter bonnet of your own, make sure to get it out and wear it!


  1. Our human wasn't sure if she deleted her comment by mistake, so apologies if they are repeating. Thank you for sharing your Easter pigture, Lyle thinks Emily looks beautiful and Flossy loves the hat! We had a lovely sunny Easter here in Manchester, and managed to get a treat of dandelions which opened in the sun. Hugs and wheeks from the Manc Piggies x

    1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs03 April, 2024 22:18

      Thanks so much, Lyle and Flossy! We are looking forward to some juicy dandelions too!

  2. Scottie, Coke, Cindy02 April, 2024 21:17

    From Coke: My dearest Emily, you look so beautiful in your Easter bonnet! I cannot stop looking at your photo, and my mom is going to print it out for me so I can see it whenever I want. I am yours always!
    From Cindy and Scottie: Emily, you indeed are so pretty in the bonnet, and how nice of Lovely Rita to lend it to you. The eggs are amazing, too!

    1. Emily of the Prairie Pigs03 April, 2024 22:23

      I have been admiring your beautiful portrait in your Easter story on the blog, too, Coke. You are the sweetest boyfriend ever! XOXOXO
