
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

On Valentine's Day, We Are SMITTEN!

First we'd like to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day! 

Second, and of utmost importance, we received quite a lovely note from Charlotte and Emily of the Prairie Pigs, asking us to be their Valentines!  We happily accepted.  This is the letter we sent back to 
Charlotte and Emily: 

"Dear Charlotte and Emily,

We have never received a Valentine letter before <blush>, and we hope you will forgive our tardiness in answering. We have spent much of our time popcorning in happiness and reading your note over and over.  "Just once more!" one of us will say.  Please take our delay as a tribute to your lovely words.  We can only hope to come close to your eloquence.
In short, our answer is a very happy "YES!"  We would be very honoured to be your Valentines.  You are beautiful, thoughtful and smart ladies, and we admit we have awakened our parents at night a few times as we sighed in admiration at your photos.
You have most definitely captured our hearts, which we freely give to you!



πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—Scottie and CokeπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—"

(We wanted to put exclamation marks after every sentence but tried not to. )

Having seen their photos, we asked our mom to print them out so we could admire them night and day. Then we asked our mom to take our photos with theirs.

We decorated their photos with hearts. Emily is on the left, and Charlotte is on the right. (I, Scottie, must note that Charlotte and I look quite alike, and somehow it turned out that we are in similar poses.)

I, Coke, admire Emily's coloration and think she has excellent taste in veggies.

We send love and kisses!

We also wrote a poem for you:

Ladies, thank you for your Valentine's note.
We appreciate everything you wrote.
Your thoughts are better than any treat.
You are the true definition of sweet!


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs15 February, 2024 18:08

    Now we have pigtures of YOU admiring pigtures of US --- that's the best!!! Love and kisses to our handsome boyfriends, Yours forever, Charlotte and Emily!

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs15 February, 2024 18:09

    P.S. We love your poem --- it is sooo sweet!!! C&E

  3. Scottie and Coke17 February, 2024 21:12

    Charlotte and Emily, we send love and kisses to you two beautiful girls. We are so pleased you enjoyed our poem. You have our hearts always!
