
Monday, January 1, 2024

Guinea Pigs Make New Year's Resolutions Too!

 It has been a whirlwind year for Charlotte and Emily, the newest Prairie Pigs.  They were born in early March, spent six weeks with their mum and were then shipped to a pet store, where they were sold to a family of rambunctious kids.  Fortunately, the kids' parents were keeping an eye on things, and soon concluded the kids were not gentle enough for small pets like baby guinea pigs. Less than a month after leaving Mum, Charlotte and Emily ended up at the local Humane Society shelter.

Then their fortunes improved!  Here at the Prairie Pigs, Lovely Rita had been rambling around by herself in a double-size cage, and Slave had been watching for a chance to find her some friends.  When she heard there were two little girl piggies at the shelter, she headed off to scoop them up before the shelter had even had a chance to post their pigtures.

Here are Lovely Rita and her new protégées soon after they arrived, enjoying some grass for the first time.  As you can see, Charlotte and Emily were tiny and at first, they were very respectful and followed all LR's orders very well.  Now, eight months later, they are rebellious teenagers, but Lovely Rita is a big girl who is ready and able to lay down the law (though Charlotte is a bossy little thing who tests the limits regularly).  Emily is still the smallest, but she is feisty and so quick she can evade her two cagemates with ease.  Little by little, they have worked out the power structure and made peace with each other, as piggies almost always do.

Still, there is always room for improvement, and the three Girlies have decided to celebrate their first New Year's together at the Prairie Pigs by each making a New Year's Resolution.

Lovely Rita's Resolution is to be more patient with the little girls --- unless they are trying to steal a dandelion green right out of her mouth, of course: even the most saintly piggy could not be expected to put up with that!

Charlotte's Resolution is to be a better pig person: not to steal food from LR and Emily (or perhaps to do it less frequently, anyhow) and not to argue so much about who gets to sit where.  She is really working on this.  Here is a rare photo of Charlotte sitting peacefully and thoughtfully, not bothering anyone! 

Emily's Resolution is to EAT EVERYTHING!!!  She is tired of always being the pipsqueak and intends to become such a humongous piggy that she will never again have to worry about LR and Charlotte trying to muscle her away from the food dish.  

Do your piggies have New Year's Resolutions?  Let us know!  In the meantime, all of the Prairie Pigs would like to wish the Undercover Guinea Pigs community out there a very Happy New Year and a peaceful, happy and healthy 2024!


  1. We send a big Welcome Home to Charlotte and Emily! How wonderful that their original family was watchful, and the parents saw that Charlotte and Emily weren't being treated gently enough. Now they are so lucky to be Prairie Pigs and to meet Lovely Rita! We must add that Charlotte looks so much like Scottie. We also applaud the girls for their resolutions. Like Emily, Coke wants to gain weight, as he is a bit thin. Scottie says he is making a resolution to get his mom to brush him each day, as he really enjoys it. Happy New Year from Scottie and Coke, and Cindy!

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs16 January, 2024 17:36

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome! We do like being Prairie Pigs. If Scottie looks like Charlotte, he must be a very beautiful pig and should definitely get extra brushing!

  3. A big thanks from your friend Scottie! I will show this to my mom so she will brush me more.
