
Monday, November 20, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

We, Scottie and Coke, would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! (I, Scottie, am on the left, and Coke wants to note, though it is obvious, that he is on the right.)

As you see, aided by a colorful cloth pumpkin, we are practising being grateful. Here are some of the things we are grateful for:

We get along now. For a long time we didn't, but our mom didn't give up. Now we stand side by side to eat hay, we rest near one another, and we are very good (well, mostly good) about sharing.

Veggies! Need we say more?

Some fruits, too.

And hay. Mom bought us some orchard-grass hay, and we are particularly enjoying it, though we love timothy hay, too. Just call us love-hay guys.

Our house. It's roomy and has lots of "furniture" in it -- sofas, cozies, an A-frame made of wood, and so on.

Floor time. Our floor area is under our house and has more furniture.

Our PVC tube. It's how we are transported from one place to the other.

Oops, there's more, and, I, Scottie am typing, but Coke says, "Less is more," so I think that means I should end my list. Might I add, Coke, that we are thankful for the blog?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving from Manchester! What a handsome pair of boars, it's lovely to see you getting along x

    1. Thank you so much, Manc Piggies! We are pleased you enjoyed our photo, and we had a fun Thanksgiving (with a little bit of raw sweet potato, too). x

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs23 November, 2023 22:16

    And the blog is always grateful to hear from you boys, too!

    The orchard grass hay is a favourite of the Prairie Pigs, too. The Oxbow Hay Company sells bags which are half orchard grass and half timothy which means we don't even have to choose one or the other!

    1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs, we are always honored to be on the blog. Orchard grass and timothy hay -- yum!
