
Friday, March 10, 2023


Coke here, helping remember Peter Gurney on behalf of my brothers, Scottie and Fitz, and myself! Our dad lit candles at 8 p.m. on Mr. Gurney's birthday, March 9th, and shortly after, my mom took this photo. I hope you like the guinea-pig candle and the plush guinea pig, too. In the background you'll see two of Mr. Gurney's books. Our mom says she will read them to us, so we are excited. My brothers and I were very happy and honored to participate in this event in remembrance of Peter Gurney and other beloved friends and family who have passed on.


  1. Hi Coke what a wonderful pigture of you! Indeed you do look like your plush toy however way more handsome :-)
    Enjoy your mom reading to you all. Much love MIL Bella n Charlie xxxxxxxxxxx

    1. MIL, Bella, and Charlie, I am so glad you like my photo, and thank you for the compliments. It was fun to pose with my friend and compare notes on our coats! Much love from your SIL Coke xxxxxxxxxx
