
Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Canada Day from the Prairie Pigs~

Hello everyone!  I am Arthur Pendragon, the newest, smallest, fastest and most handsome of the Prairie Pigs and I am here to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day.  It is our national holiday, and since the snow has finally all melted at long last, we are ready to have a party!!!





  1. We love your photo Arthur Pendragon and the Piggyfriends are very jealous of your smart cap.

  2. Arthur Pendragon, you indeed are most handsome, and you are doing a wonderful job celebrating Canada Day! We hope you and the other Prairie Pigs had a great party, and we wish you a big Welcome Home, too! (P.S. You remind us of our Texel, Ethan, from a few years back. He also was white and gray.) Scottie, Coke, Fitz, and Cindy
