
Sunday, December 26, 2021

It's a White Christmas in Saskatchewan!


It's a very frosty Christmas here in Saskatchewan, about the same temperature as Santa's place at the North Pole, but we Prairie Pigs have hearts full of the warmth of Christmas cheer!  Hello there; I am Lovely Rita, one of the newest Prairie Pigs, here to wish everyone and everypig out there a safe, happy and healthy Christmas!  Give your piggies some extra cuddles and munchies and raise a glass of rum egg nog to the hope of a post-Covid world in 2022!


  1. Happy Christmas Lovely Rita and all your friends at Prairie Piggies not forgetting Aunty Pat.

    1. We are sure Auntie Penny made sure the Piggyfriends had a cozy and peaceful Christmas, full of tasty green leaves and carrot slices, and hopefully some chocolate for herself!

  2. Oh lovely Rita you are so beautiful. You also reminded us that we need to get some eggnog and rum to ring in the New Year. Cheers, Ann and the Piggyville Girls

    1. Ann, even though we have not met, I can tell you are a person of great taste and judgement --- I AM beautiful! All the boars say so! We hope you find that eggnog!
