
Sunday, February 21, 2021

A Valentine's Day Story (with Guinea Pigs!)


(We have received a story from some of our stellar reporters in the field, the Piggyville Girls.  While it is appearing --- through no fault of the reporters themselves --- a tiny bit late for Valentine's Day, we felt that this sweet story deserves to be read any day of the year.)

The Piggyville Girls have a secret to share with you... Their Mommy and Daddy met on Valentine's Day!

This story has been passed down from generation to generation of Piggyville guinea pigs.  It was a cold and blustery night in Tampa, Florida, and Mommy was driving home from the feed store with a bale of hay.  She decided to take up an offer for a cup of tea.  The invitation had come from a British physicist named Paul who lived aboard his sailboat.  She drove to Dunedin Marina and there, waiting under a light on the dock, was this handsome sailor.

He was the perfect gentleman.  He made her several cups of tea while they swapped sailing stories.  She told him that she had lived aboard her sailboat for three years with a trio of guinea pigs.  The piggies had sailed with her from Miami to Venezuela.  She told him that she now had 17 guinea pigs who were the loves of her life.  He asked if he could meet the piggies.

Well, one day not too long after this, he appeared at her front door with bunches of cilantro and baby carrots.  It was love at first sight between Paul and the piggies.  We think Mommy was pretty impressed too!  He always arrived with gifts for us; even to this day, Daddy always makes sure we have plenty of treats.  He starts each morning by giving us treats and bringing Mommy coffee in bed.  Before he goes to sleep, he always gives us a treat and a tickle.  He has shown us that Love is a commitment to care for us and Mommy for life.


  1. What a lovely story! We now see that visiting with the bears who walk by your window is just the latest in a long tradition of amazing adventures for the Piggyville piggies!

  2. A lovely story! We all love a happy ending.

  3. Dear Pat, You did a wonderful job with the story. Thank you so much. Cheers, Ann

  4. I think that is a lovely romantic story. You two are such wonderful piggy advocates! I've always admired you guys and love watching how you interact w/ them.

  5. Happy Anniversary Ann and Paul - two of my favorite people!

  6. How romantic to have your first meeting be Valentine's Day! Nugget and Scottie like that Paul fell in love with your guinea pigs, too. We appreciate the Piggyville Girls sharing the story, and their lovely photo.
