
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Nugget and Scottie Make a New Year's Resolution

Hello and Happy New Year from Nugget (and Scottie, too)! Scottie and I thought we should make at least one New Year's resolution, and we decided it should be about relaxation.

Our resolution is this: Do more of it.

As a visual aid, here is a pigture of me resting on our "think tank." We're honored to be among the piggies who've used it, as Mom says it's been in our family a long time. It looks like a bassinet (with a canopy on it) and you're supposed to get into it, but Scottie and I have discovered you can plop down on it as if it's a beanbag chair. Double the comfort!

Mom was able to get this photo by opening the blinds so I had lots of sunlight on me. Please ignore the brown tint, which isn't really there. Our think tank is very colorful all around.

We hope other piggies will share their relaxation techniques.


  1. Nugget, you're a genius! We think this is may be the perfect New Year's Resolution --- forget all those silly ones about eating fewer treats and going to the gym more often. This one sounds like a lot more fun, and much easier to keep!

  2. Thank you, Pat and the Prairie Pigs! We appreciate your support as we search for the most effective and comfortable ways to relax. Our mom can confirm that we have been keeping our resolution!

  3. I think my piggies agree wholeheartedky with your resilution Nugget. You look very chilled (and handsome of course!) Love to everyone and everypig from Hilary and the Manc Piggies (Gunnar, Forbes, Stan and Ollie) and their bun friends Patch and Eric x

  4. Piggies love sleeping on their cozies as much as they love sleeping in them! More laundry for Mom, but as long as they are happy! :)

    Ann & Buddy Boston Terrier in CT, USA

  5. Hilary and the Manc Piggies, thank you for the compliment! Please feel free to share our resolution, so there can be much relaxation at your house. Sending love to all people, piggies (and buns!) and other furkids, and to those finned and feathered.

  6. Ann and Buddy Boston Terrier, you are so right -- we really are spending as much time on our cozies as in them! Our mom jokes that we have as much laundry as she does.
