
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Piggy A to Z - "M" is for Meabh, A Brand-New Prairie Pig


 Hello, everyone!  My name is Meabh, and I am the newest Prairie Pig.  As you can see, I am a beautiful chestnut-brown Abyssinian with lots of whorls and rosettes, and I'm about five months old.  Meabh is a traditional Irish name (pronounced similar to Maeve or Mayve), and Slave gave me that name because the day I went up for adoption at the local animal shelter was the birthday of Penny, Slave to the Piggyfriends, who (as you likely know) is proudly Irish !

Though my official residence (which I like to call the Fortress of Solitude) is in the room next door to the Piggy Room, I get lots of floor time in the Piggy Room so I can socialize and hang out with the other Prairie Pigs.  Here I am visiting Heathcliffe.  Gosh --- is he a really big guy, or am I smaller than I think?

Here I am in one of my favourite hiding spots, the hay rack between Bonnie's and Pavarotti's cages; that's Pavarotti off to my left, looking a little concerned that I might have squeezed into this spot one time too many.  I like to keep Slave on her toes by shoe-horning myself into all sorts of places where it doesn't seem a guinea pig should be able to fit.  (To tell the truth, I fit into this particular hiding place a lot better a month ago when I first arrived.  Four weeks of munching my way through the endless Prairie Pig buffet might have left me just a teeny bit wider than I was when I got here...) 

Hmmmm --- it looks as if some careless person has left the door to the piggy room open, and I think there are one or two rooms on this floor that I haven't explored yet.  Slave says I am "a handful", whatever that means!  Apparently the other Prairie Pigs have always been quite content to stay in the Piggy Room whether the door is open or not, but I am a free spirit and much more adventurous than the average guinea pig.  

We have already discovered that a small piggy sitting directly under the middle of a bed is almost impossible to reach from any side and can stay there until she is good and ready to come out, regardless of Slave's plans to get to bed early and read a book.  (Though I do notice that she seems to be spending more time vacuuming under the beds since my excursions began, so perhaps she is learning some valuable lessons from the experience!)


  1. Welcome Meabh! You are going to be so happy being a Prairie Pig. Such a pretty little girl.

    1. Meabh, the Newest Prairie Pig08 December, 2020 23:24

      Thank you so much, Piggyfriends! We enjoyed the story about your new "recruits" also, and we hear there is more good news to come...

  2. Meabh, how wonderful that you're the newest member of the Prairie Pigs -- welcome home! We like that you have an Irish name in honor of being adopted on Penny's birthday, and we think you are very pretty . Have fun exploring your forever home!
