
Sunday, May 3, 2020

A Piggy A-Z. K is for Kiwi.

Hello readers. This is me, Kiwi Piggyfriend. My brother, Machu Picchu and I were the last piggies to come from Palace Piggies before they relocated many miles away.

On behalf of all the Piggyfriends, I hope that all of our readers are OK and getting by during the frightening pandemic that is affecting humans all over the world.

I have to admit that we do not write this blog on our own and need our Slave's help sometimes but she has had to spend a lot of time queueing at the store to get our veggies. She has to drive to a town and then stands in line outside the store for an hour before she can get inside. Later in the year she grows lots of our food in the garden but it is too early to be picking much at the moment.

For the first few weeks, the store was rationing everything so that she could only get three of each veggie. You can imagine that three cucumbers do not go far between a herd of hungry piggies. She has not been able to get any romaine lettuce at all but recently the store have allowed more than three of each item so last week she tried her luck and put eight cucumbers in her cart along with other veggies and the checkout lady did not take them away, What a relief. She also stocked up on carrots, celery, and chicory but some veggies do not keep for a whole week.

Our little local shop where she could top up on celery and cucumbers without having to go to the nearest town has been shut as have most other shops.

She is not even allowed to go to visit her friend Roly's farm, where she cuts our grass and forages amongst the crops for tasty weeds and leaves. So she has set up what we call our Parsley Farm.

This is in our pig room and you can just see a corner of a pen in the pigture.

Here is some more of it.

You can just see a piggy in the left hand pen. I think that is Saffron, who lives with her family next door to me, under the little stool. Slave has started lettuces in that tray at the front and has to move it all to get to our pens to feed us and to clean. She has tomato plants on the table and, if the weather improves, they will be going out to the greenhouse but it takes a long time before they produce a fruit.

Grass is growing much better now that spring is here so we are not starving but we would like to have all of our veggies available again. Slave would like the little shop to be allowed to open and to visit Roly again. She has plenty of food for herself in her larder but never imagined how difficult it would be to feed a herd of piggies.

Let us know how you are all getting on. We would love to hear from you.


  1. The Prairie Pigs03 May, 2020 23:11

    Thank you for the excellent report, Kiwi! Things are similar here in Western Canada --- our slave also goes to shop first thing in the morning, and for a while it was difficult to get all of our usual veggies. All of our favourites are available now, but we still have not gotten any outside grass; Slave says the ground has thawed at last and the grass will be coming soon.

    That parsley looks delicious --- do you ever climb over the sides of your cage to sample a bit in the middle of the night?

  2. Kiwi Piggyfriend04 May, 2020 02:10

    If only we had some little ladders Aunty Pat!

  3. We are also being well fed as usual, Kiwi. The slaves had a bit of a panic at first when lockdown started because they couldn't get any home delivery slots. They don't seem to mind going without their own favourites foods, but to turn up in the morning without a corn cob for us would be a disaster. They now use Amazon Prime Now and all our veggies arrive within a few hours of ordering. Phew!

  4. Home delivery slots from our Sainsbury's seem to be a thing of the past. Slave goes there once a week and piles as much veg in her trolley as she thinks might last until the next week. Of course, we could eat it all in one day but she is carefully rationing it all. We will be glad when this is over and Slave can go out foraging again. Take care Squeakers.
