
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mother's Day.

Hello readers. We hope that you are all safe and well. Here in England today is Mother's Day and Slave's son, our pigsitter, would have taken her out for dinner but we understand that there is a nasty virus circulating amongst the humans and all the restaurants are closed. He is not even allowed to visit her.

Here at Piggyfriends, our only mother is Mama Bonbon so we are posting a photo of her enjoying a pile of grass with her daughters, Bella and Miss Marple. ( In that order in the photo. )

Bonbon has really got stuck into her grass and even has some on her head.

" We are sad that you cannot go out with Sean," says Mama Bonbon. " Would you like to share our grass?"

Take care everyone. Love from the Piggyfriends. xxx


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs22 March, 2020 21:46

    Happy Mother's Day, Mama Bonbon, you don't look nearly old enough to have those lovely daughters!

    It's very generous of you to think of sharing that nice grass with your Slave --- did she take advantage of your kind offer? Sometimes humans have odd ideas about what is good to eat...

  2. We hope you had a wonderful day, Mama Bonbon.
    Humans certainly do have odd ideas about what is good to eat. We hear they prefer the white part of a cauliflower to the leaves!!!

    1. Mama Bonbon and the Piggyfriends.27 March, 2020 00:32

      Thank you Squeakers. We know that you will be staying home and staying safe and we all send our love to your staff. We all depend on them especially now.

      We all love cauli leaves but when Slave buys one at the shop, some idiot has cut most of them off.

  3. Mama Bonbon Piggyfriend24 March, 2020 01:54

    Thank you Aunty Pat. Slave let us have all the grass.
