
Saturday, February 22, 2020

A Guinea Pig A to Z - "J" is for Jasper !

Hello everyone --- I'm Jasper from the Prairie Pigs!  

In the proud tradition of Peter Gurney's famous guinea pig, Free Range Fred, I am a free-range piggy too and spend most of the day running loose in the piggy room, visiting my friends and sampling the hay from their hay racks.  (Actually it's the same as the hay in my own hay rack, but for some reason stolen hay always seems to taste better!)

When I first came to the Prairie Pigs, I had a touch of scurvy (the staff at the local Humane Society shelter didn't know how important it is to give guinea pigs Vitamin C) so my gums and teeth were sore and I just was not feeling well.  Slave decided it might encourage me to eat and move around more if she left my cage door open, and even after the daily Vitamin C and regular servings of fresh veggies made me feel a lot better, I convinced her that this was a tradition we should keep alive !

Here I am, hanging out with my girlfriend, the beauteous Bonnie McSmithers.  Isn't she gorgeous???

Now I'm over at Heathcliffe's cage, having a chat.

Of course, though I do love being "out and about", sometimes a piggy just wants to curl up in his very own hay box for a nice afternoon nap...


  1. Good to see you in print at last Jasper. You look a lot like our Magnus.

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs24 February, 2020 16:55

    Ha! If it was up to our slave, you would still be waiting. Luckily, Heathcliffe did a post of his own a while back and he showed me how to do it.
    I think Magnus is probably quite a bit bigger than me --- he is a magnificent beast!

    1. Magnus is probably twice your size Jasper but he has the same kind of coat and a similar colour, maybe a bit more orange.
