
Thursday, January 2, 2020

New guinygirl: Linn

Hi everyone,
My name is Linn! I am a little over a year old.

My previous owners brought me to an animal shelter after my friends went over the rainbow bridge.
The animal shelter I came from is the 'dierenbescherming' slave thinks this is like the english RSPCA (=Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). There was one lone piggy in the shelter, the others already had friends, that was me, I am glad Cookie and Binky liked me enough to take me home with them.
You probably already know my new friends, Cookie and Binky. Unfortunately they had to say goodbye to their friend Raani just before halloween, she had a saddle back and quite some bladder stones in the 3,5 years of her life.
I really like my new boar friend Binky, we love to lie next to each other in the cage. He is very big compared to me... Here we are sharing a leaf of endive (just before I ran of with his leaf again ;)

Though big, he and Cookie did loose weight since they meet me, I think all that running after me has made them more active.

I am a very vocal piggy, which slave Mikey likes a lot. Raani was also a little chatterbox at times, so she is happy I am a chatterbox as well.

At first I was rather afraid of taking veggies from the slaves. But the others always run up to the front of their cage, so I had to see what they were doing. I came here on 7 December 2019, and I now come to get my piece of veg, though occasionally I will steal a piece from the others. Slaves are sure I know my name, because when they call it out they can see me reacting. So after a week or so I learned when they are calling my name it means they have a piece of vegetable waiting for me. By now I have also learned that pills are okay, they others were so enthusiastic so I just had to try that. Slaves are glad I take the pills now, they say it will come in handy when I actually need pills, not sure what they mean by that...

I am not the best of friends with Cookie (yet), but she tolerates me most of the time. I do know she is safer then whatever is outside the cage and I tend to hide behind her or Binky whenever we get spooked by anything.

By now slave Mikey is pretty confident we get along well enough, ever since she found the three of us in and under our new hammock like this...

This was taken half an hour after the one above, we were still in the hammock. Cookie is with her back to us in the first pigture, if you can browse (press >) to the second pigture, you can see she was enjoying a bit of sunshine. Mom thinks Cookie might think she is a cat...

Anyway, now you know a bit about me,
wheeking new year, Linn
and the others Guinygirl Cookie, boar Binky
and slave Mikey


  1. Welcome Linn. We are sure that you will soon get on with Cookie too. When she saw the pigtures of you and Binky, Slave thought that you both look exactly like two plushy piggies that she made. Happy New Year Guinygirlz and Binky boar.

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs08 January, 2020 20:50

    What a beautiful girl you are, Linn, and how lucky you are to be selected to become a Guinygirl! Welcome!!!
