
Friday, November 29, 2019

More photos of our new girls.

Bounty loves his new girls. Our pigsitter came to visit and he held them on his lap so that Slave could take some better photos. Please excuse the tatty towels but Slave did not want him to end up with soggy trousers.

Here is Saffron

And here is Ebony.
Slave loves an agouti because they are a different colour underneath. You never see this so here she is in an undignified pose so that you can see her orange tum.

Our new girls have settled in really well and have discovered the radiator that runs along the back of the pen. They would rather nap here with Bounty than use their wooden house. Slave tried to take a photo of them all in a row but they saw the camera coming and scattered. Maybe next time!


  1. The Surrey Squeakers29 November, 2019 23:03

    We love your beautiful colouring, Saffron. That's an amazing tum to show everyone, Ebony. You look like you are about to dance!

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs30 November, 2019 17:45

    Nice going, Slave and Pigsitter, those are lovely portraits of your new girlies! I can see how a Piggy Wrangler could give me an advantage with my pigture-taking, too...

    1. An extra pair of hands always comes in useful.

  3. Mom loves agouti's as well, gorgeous tummy! she still loves the coloring on saffron as well

    the Guinygirlz: Cookie, Binky and ...
    oh, and our mom Mieke

  4. Ebony and Saffron Piggyfriend10 December, 2019 01:25

    Thank you! So nice to meet new friends.
