
Friday, September 20, 2019

Out-Takes (Sometimes They're So Bad They're Good)

I tend to take many pigtures of the Prairie Pigs, even when I'm not working on a blog post; guinea pigs are so incredibly cute even when they're just going about their regular piggy lives that they make great photo subjects.  Of course, some pigtures turn out better than others --- and then there are the ones that go so disastrously wrong that they are more fun than the "good" ones.  This post is about those pigtures: you know you should delete them, but instead you go back to look at them again and again because they always make you smile.

I was experimenting with the macro focus on my camera and had a perfect portrait of my piggy Jasper all framed and focused, but in that nano-second between me pressing the button and the shutter releasing, Jasper decided to come over for a closer look to see if the camera was edible.  I do love his  punk hairdo, but this might be a little too close a view...

Jasper again, this time exiting Stage Right.  He had finished off the cilantro bribe and decided he had better things to do if the food was gone.  I enjoy this one because it really looks as if he is tiptoeing away, trying to make good on his escape before I notice that my model is gone.

I was taking pigtures of Bonnie McSmithers nibbling delicately on a pile of hay when my subject suddenly disappeared.  Apparently she decided she wanted to go for a more immersive experience and burrowed right into the middle of the pile!

Do these remind you of a pigture that you are keeping stored on your phone for those moments when you need a giggle?  We'd love to see it too!  Use the Contribute button above to share.

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