
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Exciting news! New baby piggies

Earlier this month we told you about the new piggies adopted by our Junior Slave. You may remember that Zelda was the victim of a hoarder and it appears that she was part of an attempt at a breeding programme. Oh dear.....

It was not long before they could feel the movement of baby piggies inside her and one morning they came to give out breakfast to their little herd and they found these.

Zelda had given birth in the night to two little mini mes. Two sweet little chocolate babes were scuttling around the cage as if they had always been there. Sadly they did not get to see her give birth but mum and babes are doing well. Our Slave says that watching piggies being born is a magical experience. We are just glad that they are all OK and we got to see them on Skype when they were just one day old.

Here they are again. Zelda is enjoying a well earned rest with her little ones. Aaah!!

So please welcome more Pigpenpals. Ripley has temporalily been transferred to another cage as the babes thought that she would also provide milk and that was a bit much for her. Well done Zelda. Virtual hugs all round.


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs29 August, 2019 21:19

    What a lovely little family --- the babes look like miniature Zeldas! Welcome to the world, little ones.

    Well done, Zelda! I think this will be your last turn at motherhood so relax and enjoy it.

  2. They're all beautiful! I love little baby peegs! Congratulations!

  3. Thank you all on behalf of Zelda, who is rather too busy at the moment to comment herself.
