
Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Twelve Days of Christmas. Twelfth Day.

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, my Slave she gave to me Twelve Drummers Drumming, Eleven Pipers Piping, Ten Lords-a-Leaping, Nine Ladies Dancing, Eight Maids-a-Milking,.......well you know the rest by now.

Mimi: There is only one drummer but, given that twelve would make a lot of noise, perhaps that is a blessing. I do think that this fellow gave his true love a lot of really stupid presents. I am sure that she would have preferred a nice pair of shoes and a designer handbag. Maybe some flowers and an expensive perfume? Instead of which, he turns up with all these birds and noisy bandsmen. He did not put a lot of thought into his Christmas presents did he?
Slave: It is only a song but I have to agree. I would not have wanted to receive any of this stuff except for the gold rings but never mind.
Mimi: Is that the end of the song?
Slave: All finished. Sigh....
Mimi: If we are finished then it must be Twelfth Night and all the decorations have to come down and be put away. What shall we do next Christmas Slave? Er.....Slave where have you gone?
Niamh: I think that she said something about lying down in a darkened room.
Mimi: That is OK then. We do that all the time.

Carter: As Slave has worked so hard making these posts, I think that we should get her a present ( but not any birds, milkmaids or drummers ).
Aoife: That is a good idea Carter. What shall we buy?
Mimi: I know. Let us get her that book that Agent Dave told us about on the blog. The Guinea Pig Christmas Carol. None of her humans heard the hints that she gave that she would like it. Here it is! Now can someone find me Slave's debit card please. It is in her purse.
Saoirse: Aren't we missing something here? If Slave pays for her own present then it is not really a present at all is it?
Mimi: I do not know how else to buy anything on the internet. We do not have our Egg cards anymore. Now who knows Slave's Amazon password?

                                                                  THE END.

NB. No guinea pigs were harmed in the making of this series. The same cannot be said for the red rug, which is now covered in hair.


  1. The Surrey Squeakers05 January, 2019 23:27

    Well done Piggyfriends! We really enjoyed this. We hope you found the Amazon password and that your slave got the book she wanted, even if she did unknowingly pay for it herself.

  2. Thank you Squeakers! This was fun. We must try to think of something else to do with which Slave can help.
