
Friday, December 21, 2018

We have a Christmas Card

We had our very own Christmas card in the mail this morning.

It is from the Surrey Squeakers, whose blog we follow and that is a pigture of Meg Squeaker on the front. Please do not peg it up on Machu Picchu and Kiwi's pen or they might eat it like they did their name card. Let us put it where we can all see it.

Thank you very much Surrey Squeakers!

Can we make our own Christmas cards? Please, Slave, please? "We will have to see about that sweeties. It is too late for this year but maybe next Christmas. We need to find out how it is done and one of you is going to have to sit very still for the photo. No running off and hiding under the table."

1 comment:

  1. The Surrey Squeakers21 December, 2018 14:13

    Meg is thrilled to bits to see the Squeakers' card on this blog!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all piggies and their slaves.
