
Friday, November 9, 2018

Updates to Sending Posts to the Blog

Hello fellow piggies, regular readers may have noticed there has been an increase in spam posts appearing on the blog. It appears that some sad humans have nothing better to do than try and convince us guinea pigs to buy something only humans would care about. To put a stop to this happening we have updated the Contribute settings this means all post will now require moderation by one of us blogging piggies before they appear on the blog. This may mean a slight delay between when you send your blog post and when it is actually visible but it will mean we don't have to see stupid human posts anymore!!!

In other news here at Piggypals the weather has turned decidedly chilly and we are glad we live indoors with all mod cons including central heating.

The evil one is also learning to behave and now we are allowed to play together in the evenings and at weekends while the humans are around to make sure no fighting occurs, you never know we may be able to actually live together full time at some point in the future.

Let us know what is going on with you guys, we love hearing from you all.

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