
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Curious Piggy.

Our Slave tried to take some photos of us being Curious Piggies like Mieke's. Unfortunately her camera makes a little "Click" before, a second later, off goes the flash. This Click is enough for us to hear it and run away resulting in lots of out-takes.

Here is one of Cosmo Dangermouse.

Then she tried bribery but this is not quite the photo that she was seeking although Cosmo did get an extra piece of cucumber.

Finally success ( of a kind ). It is lucky that Cosmo is white as the photo is a bit dark, for which she apologises. You can also see that he ate that piece of cucumber as his coat looks rather green under his chin.


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs09 September, 2018 17:43

    I have had that same problem ---piggies react so quickly that all it takes is that split second, and instead of a lovely portrait, you are looking at the rear end of your model retreating.
    Too bad they can't seem to make a camera where the click comes at the same moment that the picture is taken!
    Good for you for persevering --- you got some cute pigtures of Cosmo in the end.

  2. Ann of Piggyville19 October, 2018 16:31

    Adorable photos. Isn't it amazing how piggys have taught us slaves that bribery is the only way they are going to pose for pigtures?
