
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

New Piggyfriends are coming!

We were very sorry to discover that our lovely Rodentologist at Palace Piggies Rescue is moving to Yorkshire, which is a long, long way away from Piggyfriends. All of the piggies for adoption need to find homes quickly so that the Palace Piggies people do not have too many piggies to move along with them.

If you look at their website..... will see that the top two piggies, Machu Picchu and Kiwi, are reserved. That is because they are coming to live with us! Slave cannot pick them up until next Tuesday so watch this space for more news.

P.S. If any Slaves in South East England have room for a piggy or two, Palace Piggies would love to hear from you. They always have more piggies than they have room to show on their adoption page. Contact details on their website.

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