
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Machu Picchu and Kiwi come home

We have two new friends here at Piggyfriends. They are going to introduce themselves.

"Hello readers! I am called Machu Picchu. The nice lady at Palace Piggies Rescue said that my previous owner named me after somewhere she had visited. My new Slave has always wanted to go there too so she is keeping my name. I came here with my brother, Kiwi."

"Hello. I am Kiwi. I got my name because our previous owner thought that my colour is like that of a kiwi bird. I have never seen one so I do not know. Slave says that I am an agouti pig. Machu Picchu is much braver than me and lets our new Slave pick him up without any fuss but I am rather nervous although I will allow her to stroke me. I do like sitting in this box of hay, from where I can see what is going on."

"There is some delicious grass here," says Machu Picchu in between mouthfuls, " but the other piggies here tell us that there was a grass shortage recently due to a heatwave. How terrible. I am glad that the grass is growing again."

" If I reach out far enough," says Kiwi," I can just eat that grass."

"Don't be scared," says Machu Picchu, "It is very safe here. Our neighbours are eating grass too and just look at the size of them. If we eat up all of our food do you think that we could grow that big?"
Fernando and Martin are in the next door pen to our new friends and they are enjoying the grass too.

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