
Friday, May 25, 2018

Guinea Pig Crop Circle

Us Piggies have been very busy now that the nice weather has finally arrived in the UK can you guess what we have been up to?


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs26 May, 2018 23:52

    That's some efficient (and eco-friendly) lawn mowing! Not to mention that the slaves get to put their feet up and have a cold drink while the "mowers" are at work.

  2. ah, we made a similar crop circle. Our municipality sometimes mows the lawn in front of our house. This little piece of lawn is also owned by the municipality, but they do not seem bothered by mowed it only partly. They will not mow right along the house with the big machines, and then usually a few days later come along with the hand mowers, to take care of the edge that has gotten longer... We were allowed to mow that lawn inbetween the big machine mow and the hand mowers. This resulted in a neatly mowed lawn, with a bit more neatly eaten lawn in the still long strip... Will see if we still have that pigture and post it in a bit

    the guinygirlz Raani and Cookie and boar Binky
