
Friday, April 20, 2018

Nugget is 3!

Hello, I am Nugget and I am 3 today, April 20. I have never been 3
before, so it will be a new adventure for me. I live with my older
brother, Eddie, who is a wonderful brother, and cucumber is one of my
favorite foods. In fact, my mom had to give me a cucumber piece as my
modeling fee. I hope you enjoy my pigture.


  1. Happy Birthday Nugget! We all agree that is worth posing when there is a reward at the end of it.

    Thank you very much for sharing your pigture. We do love to hear from our readers.

  2. Hi, Nugget! You are really adorable! Happy birthday, and many happy returns. Hope your day is special and fun. <3

  3. Pat and the Prairie Pigs21 April, 2018 18:59

    So nice to see your lovely pigture; we have been hearing about your adventures for a while on the GPDD and it's so nice to be able put a face to it also.

    Happy birthday, Nugget!

  4. Happy Birthday Nugget! You are looking nice and plump - that is a very cute pigture!

  5. Happy Birthday, little one...hope you had lots of goodies and playtime.
