
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A Piggy A-Z. F is for Frozen!

"Come and look out of the window," calls Niamh Piggyfriend. "Everything is frozen!"

"Where has our grass gone?" ask the rest of the Piggyfriends. " We cannot see it at all."

"Don't worry," replies Otto.  "That white stuff is called snow. It is just frozen rain. It does not happen very often here but I can remember seeing it when I was a piglet."

" When it gets warmer, it will all melt and we will be able to see our garden again. In the meantime, Slave has bought us bags of veggies to eat."

We expect that lots of readers are used to snow in winter but it is a novelty to us in SE England. We know that Aunty Pat's Prairie Piggies have loads of snow in winter.


  1. What a lovely garden, Piggyfriends. The snow looks beautiful. You might have even more than us, although junior slave managed to build a snowman this afternoon. He's only 30....

  2. Thank you Squeakers. We prefer our garden when it is not frozen and Slave can pick veggies for us. Our broccoli is rock hard at the moment. Slave says that one is never to old to build a snowman but we are glad that we live indoors where it is warm and cosy.

  3. Pat and the Prairie Pigs28 February, 2018 16:52

    Don't worry, Piggyfriends! The Prairie Pigs want you to know that your grass is safe and cozy underneath that lovely white blanket and will be green and tasty again as soon as the snow melts. Grass does not mind snow at all (though the broccoli may be a bit soggy).

    1. Our snow is receding and the grass really is still there ( Otto told us that it would be safe ) but the broccoli looks very sorry for itself. Shop broccoli never tastes as good as that from the garden but this time we will have to make do.
