
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Slave's Guinea Pig Mugs

We had a request from Eddie and Nugget with Slave Cindy for a photograph of Slave's Christmas present piggy mug. We omitted to include this in our post about her piggy gifts so we are remedying this right now.

Below you can see the new one complete with matching spoon.
She has a similar one made by the same company in which she stores her paint brushes. She does not want to use them for coffee in case they get chipped. You can see them both below.

These piggies also appear on cards and calendars in the UK and we expect that readers from here will have seen them in shops or may own them too.

Whilst we had the camera out, an intrepid piggy climbed onto a stool to take a photo of Slave's row of other mugs on a very high shelf in the pig room. We thought that we would share this photo too. Here they are.....


  1. Ann of Piggyville21 January, 2018 21:11

    Oh I wish Father Christmas had given our slave those mugs because the piggys look just like us!!! Maybe we could become piggy super models. Our slave calls us super poopers.
    Cheers, Squirly the silver one and Honeydew the red abby

  2. hi Penny & Piggyfriends!
    Love your mugs!!! The one with the spoon is especially charming! What will you use it for?

    GP items like mugs and calendars aren't common in this neck of the woods. It does seem that guinea pigs are a more common pet in England for adults than here in the United States. You also seem to have a greater variety of piggy breeds. I only see shorthairs and Peruvians in pet stores around here, and our one and only GP rescue is no longer. I used to see Peruvians and Teddys there. But as I think I mentioned, I saw a variety of breeds at a country fair this autumn. That may have been the highlight of the fair, looking back on it! :)

    Ann & Buddy Boston Terrier
    Remembering with love Dart, Feather, Gidgy, Gizmo, Tessie & Purdy

    1. I think that I will put my new mug on the shelf along with the others so that it does not get damaged. Our nearest piggy rescue always has lots of different piggies needing homes. You can drool over them on their web page.

  3. Ah, daddy slave has that one on the right on t high shelve! He uses his for tea (he is a huge tea consumer). His do get damaged, currently he is on his second mug, and that is chipped, it came out of the dishwasher that way one day. So we a scouting for a new one again... In the meantime he still uses his

    1. Guinygirlz Raani and Cookie, plus Binky the boar

    2. Penny, slave to the Piggyfriends.01 February, 2018 00:18

      I would not dare put one of my piggy mugs in the dishwasher. They are too precious. Tell Erwin to be more careful with his new mug and wash it in the sink!
