
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year Everyone!

All of the Piggyfriends want to wish our readers a very Happy New Year 2018!

We cannot all be in a pigture but here is Niamh at our party.

It looks like Algernon Rat had a good time anyway.

We hope you will all join us in 2018 to read more about the Piggyfriends, the Piggypals, the Guinygirlz and Binky. Take care everyone and stay safe.


  1. hi Penny & Piggyfriends!
    It looks like Niamh & Algernon Rat had a fun & festive New Year celebration! When & how did Algernon Rat join you all?
    Ann & Buddy Boston Terrier in CT, USA
    P.S. Have you heard about our December deep freeze in this neck of the woods?!

    1. Yes, we know about your deep freeze and are not envious one bit! You will remember the Algernon Rat World Tour. Well, the original Algernon, who was sent from one herd of piggies to the next ended up with Sandy in the US. Janneke told us how she had bought him in Ikea in The Netherlands and our Slave discovered that we could not buy one here, which was a shame as we wanted a memento of the adventure. A parcel arrived from Janneke one day and inside was our very own Algernon Rat, who has stayed with us ever since.

  2. Jean and the misfits01 January, 2018 21:48

    Happy New Year!!

  3. Happig New Year Piggyfriends

  4. Happig new year! We will post of pigture tomorrow

  5. Pat and the Prairie Pigs03 January, 2018 16:43

    Any party with those little paper umbrellas looks pretty festive to me!
