
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Testing the new food......continued.

We have heard from a Slave on the GPDD called Chris, who has been trying out the new food and her four girls love it.

Today we have been trying out the "Nature's Feast Snack Selection", which has three different contents. First of all we opened the box called "Flower Garden". The next photo shows you what it looks like.

This is a mix of dried flowers, namely Marigold, Rose, Cornflower and Sunflower. Now, we eat flowers in our daily forage but Slave picks Vetch in season and that is our favourite. We also like Dandelion and Sow Thistle flowers but we always have them fresh. The instructions on the packet are to give out one teaspoon of snack per day but, as there are a lot of us, we decided to pass the dish around from pen to pen.

Now Carter will have a go at any new food and he rushed over to see what was in the dish. He sniffed at it and retreated. His girls did not get any nearer than you can see in this photo.

Fernando also came over to have a look. He did pick up a couple of flowers but dropped them back into the dish and went back to his cucumber.

The instructions on the packet suggest " Hand feeding snacks helps you bond with your pet." Now we could not be more bonded with our Slave but even this could not tempt us to eat these flowers.

"Sorry, Slave." says Niamh. " Even hand feeding will not tempt me to eat this. I am going to hide in this house."

" No thanks," says Otto, " but if you have any Vetch, that would go down a treat."

No pig was interested in this box but the label does say that it is for Rabbits and Hamsters too so maybe they would enjoy it. Sorry but we can't give this any stars. Tomorrow we are going to try another box and that may be more to our liking.

Slave tipped the dried flowers onto her basket of pot pourri.


  1. Ha, too bad it didn't go down well. We never had dried flowers so we wouldn't know if we liked those. In general we are not snack piggies, we like fresh dandelions and vegetables, but we've never been crazy about snacks made especially for guinea pigs. Yesterday slave found a few boxes of snacks which were way over their best before date, they were chucked out. Mom also found some Willow twigs our predecessors were gifted once, Binky gave it a nibble, he also enjoys gnawing our Willow twig tunnel... Cookie was interested as well but mum wasn't sure she actually gnawed on it. Interested to see what the other snack boxes are like!
    The Guinygirlz Raani and Cookie and boar Binky

  2. We agree with you, Guinygirlz and Binky. We would much rather have fresh veggies and forage but we are going to try all these so that we can give feedback to the company who sent them to us. Another post soon.

  3. Pat and the Prairie Pigs17 August, 2017 16:32

    It certainly looks pretty, but I'm not surprised that the Piggyfriends were not tempted.

    The Prairie Pigs enjoy fresh dandelions and violets, and have even sampled roses but they are not big fans of dried flowers. Oxbow makes a hay which has dried flowers in it which I have bought, but I've noticed my piggies eat the hay and leave the flowers behind.

  4. Otto has mastered the stink eye!
