
Friday, November 25, 2016

Friday video: Piggy baby eating a carrot...

On of the piggies we follow on instagram ( has been posting baby videos of the little ones her piggy Jennifuzz has gotten about 3 weeks ago. They are so adorable... Do check out her account for more cute baby piggies and the adorable mum and auntie. Have a great Wheekend! The guinygirlz: Tijger, Raani and boar Berke


  1. Penny, slave to the Piggyfriends.26 November, 2016 21:41

    Aren't the pigtures adorable? My Piggyfriends say that they would like to fly on a real airplane. Having waited in many airports for delayed planes in my time, I think not.

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs29 November, 2016 19:46

    So cute! You cannot feel stressed or have a frown on your face while watching this video.
