
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dee's girls


We are Josie and Callie.  Dee just adopted us.  We are not agents but would like to be.  Callie is very good at escaping when we have floor time.

Slave Dee


  1. Welcome Josie and Callie. You are clever girls to work out how to post on our blog. Just the sort of piggies that we need to be Agents.

    All you have to do is pick an Agent name and start sending in reports. You can have a name each or, like some of our Piggyfriend Agents, have a joint name such as our Lulu amd Mimi, who are collectively the "Diva Girls" or Cosmo and Casper, who are the "Dangermice". We can think of a good name for Callie!

    You only have to look back at our blog to see the sort of things on which we report such as the silly things that our humans get up to or special events like birthdays and holidays. New foods that you have tried or something that you can see from your window. We once did a whole series on our pigroom rebuild. You will find it if you search back far enough. You can report on anything "piggy" at all and do include a photo. We love a pigture.

    Waiting to hear from you again!

  2. Pat and the Prairie Pigs23 November, 2016 19:44

    Being an escape artist is an excellent skill for an agent, so we think you should definitely apply.

    You are lovely girls, and such interesting markings --- it looks as if there might be a dutch piggie somewhere in your family tree!

  3. Aaw, what a sweeties! The one in the bottom pigture has a cheeky look is that callie? Welcome girls!

    Slave mikey, the guinygirlz: Tijger, Raani and boar BĂ©rke
