
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Bonfire Night. Mimi and Lulu aka the Diva Girls reporting.

In England, the 5th. November is Bonfire Night although the celebrations seem to go on forever, especially when, as is the case this year, the 5th. falls on the weekend.

People light noisy fireworks and burn huge bonfires and the family who live across the road from Piggyfriends are having a Firework Party right now.

That is why we are wearing two pairs of Slave's earmuffs as we do not like the noise.
We live in the country and have very few neighbours but we feel sorry for piggies who are having lots of fireworks let off all around them, especially those piggies who have to live outdoors. Our double glazed windows keep out a lot of the noise and Slave is playing some CDs so it is not too bad.

We did not live here last year at this time but some of the Piggyfriends remember this "Celebration" from previous years and they say that it will soon be over. Phew!

Slave is giving out tomato slices to make up for the disturbance. Yum yum!


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs08 November, 2016 19:22

    You girls look so cute in your fuzzy earmuff! I hope they did the trick and that things are more quiet at the Piggyfriends' house today.

  2. Lulu and Mimi Piggyfriend10 November, 2016 15:30

    Thank you Aunty Pat and piggies. All is quiet at the moment but the older Piggyfriends say that some people have more fireworks next weekend. The main event, however, is over. That is good.
