
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I was very brave today!

I am Fernando Piggyfriend and when I grow up I am going to be an Agent but in the meantime, look what happened to me today!

Slave says that I must have had a long haired piggy in my ancestry ( but I do not know as I came from a rescue ) and my coat grows long at the very back. It was getting tangled so she said that I needed a haircut.

I was grabbed from my wooden house, wrapped in a towel and look what she produced.

A pair of scissors bigger than me! Slave says that they are the very best pair for piggy haircuts and she should know but I was very apprehensive. It only took a moment and my rear end was as neat as can be.

Maybe haircuts are not to be feared but I envy my brother, Martin, whose fuzzy coat does not seem to grow.


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs07 October, 2016 04:57

    Zowie --- if you were brave enough to allow those giant scissors next to your nether regions, you are definitely agent material, Fernando! Well done!

    I know your slave is very experienced with such piggy haircuts and would never put a snip wrong, but I would have been a little worried, too...

  2. Fernando Piggyfriend11 October, 2016 23:06

    Thank you for your concern, Auntie Pat.

  3. Brave piggy! I have a piggy that is getting pretty long haired on the rump. He may need a trimming soon!

    1. Whee think you are very brave
