
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Kindergarten Agents. New agents in training

Tyrion Piggyfriend here. Readers of the GPDD will know that my dear friend, Gandalf aka Agent Wizard, passed away recently. I am not an Agent but was Gandalf's right paw pig and helped write up his reports as well as taking care of the other Piggyfriends when all the Agents are away on missions.

Gandalf looked after me when I arrived here as a tiny piglet so I was very lonely without him and our Slave decided to find me a new friend.

GPDDers can skip to the pigtures here as they know the story.

Slave took me to Palace Piggies as they had recently rescued over 300 piggies from a very sad situation and Slave felt sure that there would be a friend waiting for me there.

She found a little black and tan fuzzy babe whom she thought that I might like and we were introduced in the Palace Piggies playpen. This tiny babe ran around the pen and then settled down for a nap under my coat so we were ready to come home with him. Then Lynn and Liz, who run Palace Piggies, suggested that this babe might need a tiny friend to play with. Now our Slave has never wanted to have a trio of boars as it is rare for them to get on - we often have groups of sows but not boars - but against her better judgment, she went back to the adoption shed and came back with another babe - a tiny red ball of fuzz, who also ran around the playpen and settled down next to me. So, Slave agreed to take both the babes. Lynn and Liz said that she could always bring one back if a trio did not work out but anyone who knows our Slave will also know that she could never do that.

Now to the pigtures.....

Here we are in the carrier waiting to come home. The babes were named at Palace Piggies.You can just see Ivan, the black and tan one at the back and Magnus, the red one, is nearer the front. They both sat nicely beside me in the car coming back and we nibbled veggies.

When we got home, Slave put the babes into a tub to take this pigture. I think that Slave was persuaded to take the extra piggy as he looks very much like her Rolo from years ago - before there were any piggy Agents. She loves a red pig.

Here we are in what was Gandalf's and my pen just after we got home.

Here you can see how tiny Ivan is!
And here I am with Magnus, who is just a little bit bigger.
This is the last pigure - all of us together enjoying some grass.

Neither of the little boars shows any sign of dominance. We are all getting on well together at the moment but Slave is keeping a watchful eye out for when they grow. I miss Gandalf ( so does our Slave ) but these little fellows are keeping me company whilst I teach them how to be Agents when they get bigger. They have a lot of growing to do.

When we were at Palace Piggies, Slave asked Lynn and Liz if they knew of a worthy piggy rescue that I could nominate for the proceeds of the sale of our card game. We cannot nominate Palace Piggies as they were the winners a couple of years ago. I'll tell you who they suggested in my next post.


  1. Pat and the Prairie Pigs08 June, 2016 01:37

    I was so sorry to hear about Gandalf leaving us all for the Bridge --- he starred in so many of the Piggyfriends holiday pigtures with such regal dignity.
    But good for you, Tyrion, taking on the big job of showing these little cuties how to be proper piggies. Here's hoping you will have many happy years together!

  2. Hmm, wasn't it our slave who suggested Gandalf as a name for your friend?
    We were wondering Tyrion, were you named after Game of Thrones Tyrion? He is such a great character in the series.

    Welcome boys, our slave also has a soft spot for red piggies, one of her first was Lotje, who was a gorgeous Red and white rex sow. We hope you continue to get along as time progresses!

    The Guinygirlz: Peaches, Tijger and Raani, and boar Berke

  3. Tyrion Piggyfriend10 June, 2016 19:32

    Thank you Pat and the Guinygirlz plus Berke for the welcome for my new tiny friends and yes, Mieke, you did suggest Gandalf's name when he first arrived here.

    I am named after the person in Game of Thrones ( my Slave's favourite character ) as, when I came here I was a little runt in need of love and care. My Slave said that I was a dwarf with attitude so picking a name for me was easy!

    I have grown a lot since then and am now a rather large boar but I love my name.

    The tiny boars are behaving themselves at the moment and I hope they will continue to be my friends.
